
Dog sleddings

Dog sledding is almost an obligatory  experience of winter expedition, and without it your Baikal adventure isn’t complete! Most modern people will choose the comfort of technologically advanced transportation such as jeeps, cars, or even helicopters, but the companionship and physical strength of humans  best friend is not to be under estimated. To drive a dog sledding team is return to the past, to the times of the real Siberian explorers. This is an experience that will leave you feeling like u a real Arctic conqueror!

The readiness and craving desire that the dogs want to make their job is make u feel absolutely inspiring, they live for the ability to pull the sled and fly over the snow. This is their life, and they love it.  A dog team can move as fast as 50 km per hour. The dogs are alive, the landscape seems to breath with them, and you are the connection between dogs and nature. All this gives you an exalted sense of being.

As you fly through winter forests along the shores of the lake you will see the yellows and grays cliffs, the clear ice, the mountain peaks, and you will be turning inside a fairytale. One dog sled can carry two or three people at a time, and the length of your trip can be anywhere from one day to one week. We encourage you to experience Lake Baikal by dog sled, an experience you will never forget.


Interested? Book a travel to Baikal with that kind of trip


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