Rafting on ice blocks
You are standing on the edge of the extreme elements; between the ice water, bracing air, and the brilliant Baikal sun. Only the select few, only the aficionados of ultimate adventures can afford it!
Along the Baikal shore many people have trophies of perch and grayling. Spinning here is pleasure for everyone because take of huge pikes is not rare but usual.
If adrenalin is in your blood, if hands are shaking from strain, if your eyes are flickering with passion, and if heart is palpitating, its mean you are hunter. And if you are surrounded with skyward mountains and with thousand kilometers of the cleanest water then you is hunting in Baikal area.
The moment when summer wind is waving your hair, when bright sun is flickering on the water, and when gulls are flying over the boat is the moment of freedom and happiness. Miracle views of cliffs overboard and cozy bays. Cleanest water splashes on your face are make you to smile. Sky blue, foaming waves, sand bays, sun, freedom of soul and body are included to your Baikal cruise!
Splashes of water, boisterous rapids; the best rafting rivers of Baikal area, foaming cataracts are waiting for you. You, your raft, your team, skillful instructors plus beauty of Baikal nature, purest air and water, adrenalin. All this give u energy are the great cocktail of adventure and perfect mood.
Jeep expeditions
If you want to go to the most secluded Baikal area places, to mount tops of coastal cliffs, or just to enjoy driving a powerful and beautiful car than off-roadster would be the best option. Jeep expedition is a full of the most beautiful and interesting places.
Expeditions with jet ski, buggies and four-wheeler
Anytime you can drive most popular baikal cars - buggies, four-wheelers or jet ski! Expeditions with that cars are perfect way to see the mos beautiful places and feel Baikal energy.
Crystalline water, Baikal Sponges that look like royal corals, golden sand, unbelievable cliff of Baikal snap which are hard to describe with words, they must be seen! Baikal diving is inside-out view to the cleanest lake in the world.
Turkic people, Evenks, Buryats, and of course Cossacks prefers horses for moving in severe Baikal area. All these peoples were connoisseurs of these animals and their abilities. And even today a horse is inevitable companion and helper of Baikal inhabitants.
Ice golf
The lake spreads 31,470 sq km wide and 636 km long. Is as if this space was especially designed for winter golfing. And the scenery on top of that! Breathtaking. We will provide professionals from the Ice Golf Federation to accompany you on your experience. You can use your experience here to perfect your technique, or as a corporate tournament for some friendly competition.
Ratrac the Baikal Mountains
Any experienced skier knows feel of groomed trails and queuing for the lift, and if you’ve been doing that for years we can only imagine how that might bore you after a time. If you are looking for more, we encourage you to experience the freedom and satisfaction of the free ride.
Dog sleddings
Dog sledding is almost an obligatory experience of winter expedition, and without it your Baikal adventure isn’t complete! Most modern people will choose the comfort of technologically advanced transportation such as jeeps, cars, or even helicopters, but the companionship and physical strength of humans best friend is not to be under estimated. To drive a dog sledding team is return to the past, to the times of the real Siberian explorers. This is an experience that will leave you feeling like u a real Arctic conqueror!
Russian Bath on Lake Baikal
After you make the extreme expedition across the frozen Lake Baikal, you come to a station where you can experience a hot Russian bath, right here on the ice! We situate it on the most picturesque point on your route. This location with the aromatic fragrance of green birch twigs, and it is the ideal combination to perfect experience. The bath is hot and your table is set. If you want more, we can change your wooden bath house into an ice house! The secrets of the house design allows that the bath temperatures can be as high as 120 C degrees.
Meeting shamans
Feathers, fells, long clothes, the smoke of bonfire, the sound of tambourine create a special atmosphere. You are becoming closer to nature and to forefathers. Everything seems different, air is full of strange feeling and emotions, sense of those times when world was young. Shamans are whirling around of ritual fireplace; they are people who lived here from the beginning of times, people who talk with heavens and can feel earth.
Hot springs
What can be more relaxing than bathing in a natural hot spring on a cold winter day? The surrounding scenery is soothing, and despite of the frost your body will retain the rejuvenating warmth of the hot spring.
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